Monthly Archives: October 2016

Last Minute Performance Announcements

Hey folks,

Turns out, it’s a helluva week for short-notice performances. To set the record straight, here’s the full agenda between now and Sunday (lifted straight from the Events page, for your convenience):

27 October, 2016 – Grand Theater, Groningen (16:30)

I will be performing JacobTV’s “Grab It,” to accompany Kenniscafé Studium Generale with JacobTV, Micha Hamel, and Bas van Putten. The performance will have video accompaniment from JacobTV. The program is organized by Sounds of Music. You can learn more about this event at the Sounds of Music website. There’s also a masterclass with Helmut Oehring, and a concert by Perforator. It will be sweet. 

29 October, 2016 – Gastatelier Leo XIII, Tilburg (19:30)

I will be playing three sets of about 50 minutes each, switching off with pianist Seoie Jung. The sets will begin at roughly 19:00, 20:30, and 22:00. In between sets, there will be short presentations by some of the artists working at Leo XIII. Because the performances are part of Tilburg’s annual Cultuurnacht celebrations, it’s assumed that guests will walk in and out between sets. While we’d be glad to have you stay longer, be advised that there will be significant overlap between the three sets. The program will be announced from the stage. 

30 October, 2016 – “Hard Reset,” Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, Amsterdam (20:15)

This is a concert organized by my teacher, Ties Mellema, to benefit research into Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I will be performing John Cage’s “Four5,” as part of the Fontys Saxophone Ensemble. The program will also include performances by numerous other talented artists (the Amstel Quartet, the Four Baritones, Remy van Kersten, and others too numerous to name). More details can be found here. Seriously, it’s a helluva lineup he’s put together, and it’s all for a good cause. You should come. 

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