Monthly Archives: March 2017

ANOTHER Recording, Housekeeping, and a (Sortof) New Project

Hello again,

So, Perry Goldstein was kind enough to give me his blessing to share with you lovely people a demo recording I made back at the start of February of his piece, “Total Absorption.” It’s now up on the media page. You know what you must do! I really wasn’t expecting that to go as quickly as it did, or I’d have planned the spacing better between that and yesterday’s recording of Prufrock.

You may notice that the layout of the Media page has been updated somewhat. I’ve enjoyed my mini-recording sessions from whatever corner of Fontys seems most quiet at the moment, and I’ve got a lot of music in the works that I’m eager to share. The plan going forward is to try and do one of these recordings every month or so. Rather than treat each of these recordings as a separate thing (resulting in a truly unwieldy collection of soundcloud widgets), I’ve decided to consolidate them all in one place and, because I’m a sucker for giving cute names to things, I have dubbed this project “Sounds from the Basement.” So, do please check back here every now and again to hear what’s escaping from down there!

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New Recording: “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”

So, I perform Kevin Clark’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” more often than all but a handful of other pieces. It’s beautiful music, and an absolute joy to play. That said, I always have difficulty describing it to people who haven’t yet heard it. Thankfully, I remembered that we live in the 21st century, and have a solution for such problems. Check out the Media page for the fruit of yet another late-night recording session! Or, y’know, just look below:

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Filed under Recordings