Masters Recital!

For anyone who has somehow managed to avoid my excited babbling thus far, this is your friendly reminder that my final Masters recital is coming up! The program will begin at 16:00 on June 13th, in the Muziekzaal of the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Tilburg. For all of you lovely folks in commuting distance of Tilburg, I hope to see you there. For all of you lovely folks not in commuting distance of Tilburg, I’ll have some material from that program to share with you here later in the month. Alas, preparation for this program has forced me to delay the next few installments of Sounds from the Basement until after the recital is taken care of. That said, I’m really quite pleased with the way this program is shaping up. If you’re curious, you can find more details regarding the program on the Calendar page.

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